Many depressed or insecure people are finding solutions to their problems when they understand the unconscious guidance, contained in the dream images. Yesterday, for example, a woman found support after sending me only 4 short dreams. She doesn’t need to send me more dreams for translation; her entire problem was comprehensively analyzed, and she found all the solutions she needs. Of course, the more dreams we translate, the more we learn. However, as little as four short dreams was sufficient for a full psychotherapy.
This woman is very excited about discovering how much we can learn through dream analysis. Now she is studying dream interpretation according to the scientific method in order to translate her own dreams without having to rely on the help of a professional dream translator. This is another service I provide. Many other translators will not reveal their method for fear of losing return business. I teach you everything I know; you can easily become a professional dream translator like me.
Other people send me many dreams for translation without ever thinking about studying the dream language. They are not paying for an online treatment, in fact, they are only paying a small fee for a profession translation from one language to another. They feel very comfortable proceeding this way.
I understand this position, even though I believe that everyone should learn the dream language. There are people who have grave problems and do not have the concentration needed to devote to professional lessons. Other people have no facility with languages, or they don’t like studying. Not everyone in this world has the same talents.
Therefore, I will tell you directly everything that I see reflected in the dream images. This means that you may discover for example, that your girlfriend or boyfriend is cheating on you. However, the unconscious mind will help you find your real soul mate, and have a perfect love relationship with the right person.
Or, I may tell you that you are immature, and you must evolve. All your mistakes are reflected in the dream messages so that you may stop making them, and learn how to be wise. Only after seeing what is bad, negative, and wrong, will you understand what is good, positive and true.
If you are depressed, if you have relationship problems, if you suffer from social phobia, or if you have a borderline personality, the unconscious guidance will be a true salvation for you. You’ll be always enlightened and relieved.
The unconscious mind helps you discover the roots of your psychological problems. It will show you how to eliminate what is bad. It gives you objective information about the person you love. It will show you things that you would never learn otherwise. The unconscious mind has a divine origin and can see everything.
You’ll have dreams predicting future problems in many occasions, so that you may correct your mistakes, and this way avoid what would be very unpleasant for you. This advantage will be immensely helpful each time you have to make important decisions in life.
The vision you’ll have thanks to dream translation will always give you self-confidence and safety. All your fears will be completely eliminated, and your intelligence will increase.
online therapy
relationships problems
social phobia
personality disorders
Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.
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