Our dreams reflect the way we conduct our lives, (our behavior and subsequent health concerns). They can also denounce the existence of a mental illness, which threatens our mental stability and distorts our behavior.
I continued Jung’s research discovering that the unconscious mind which produces our dreams always tries to protect the human side of our conscience because we have inherited an absurd content in our brain. Jung ignored the existence of the anti-conscience, the violent and wild side of our conscience, which remains in a primitive condition. This is why he couldn’t completely understand the unconscious psychotherapy.
The anti-conscience provokes all existent mental illnesses and mental disorders found within the human side of our conscience. It is therefore responsible for the appearance of abnormalities in our behavior, since the anti-conscience’s absurdity influences not only our thoughts; it influences our reactions as well.
My discoveries complete Jung’s pioneer research, giving you all the answers you need. I simplified his complicated method of dream interpretation, transforming it into a simple method of instant translation from images into words. You will understand all dream messages because now you can see the entire content of your brain and psyche.
By following dream therapy you completely develop your personality and all your capacities, while eliminating the negative components you have inherited. Your wild roots are absurd, violent, selfish, and immoral. You must tame your wild side and transform it into positive human content that will help you achieve all your goals. This means that you have to transform the selfish and violent behavior that is part of your animal nature into positive and balanced human behavior.
You may believe that you are balanced because you are used to following the aggressive behavioral patterns associated with violence. These patterns have formed the mindset of our civilization. What you consider as being a balanced and normal behavior could be an indifferent and cruel maladaptive reaction to any given situation. This maladaptive behavior should in fact alarm you.
Your conscious experience is limited and you have no idea about what perfect mental health really is. Therefore, you are incapable of discerning the clear indications of personality disorders and mental illnesses in someone’s behavior. However, you can have a very clear vision about your mental state thanks to the lessons and explanations that the unconscious mind will reveal to you through your dreams.
You only have to study my simplification of the dream language in order to be in contact with a wise unconscious mind that answers all your questions in dreams. You’ll build a fascinating unique personality. You will also pass through a process of spiritual evolution. In addition, you will learn the importance of wisdom, and the true meaning of life.
If you have no time for studies but you see vivid dreams, recurring dreams, or nightmares, send me your dreams for a professional dream translation so that I may immediately help you with my knowledge.
Later, you’ll certainly want to study the dream language independently using my dynamic method. You will no longer need to depend upon me in order to understand the meaning of your dreams. You’ll have the free guidance of the wise unconscious mind always helping you throughout your life.
behavioral health
personality development
dream therapy
carl jung
Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.
Learn more at: http://www.scientificdreaminterpretation.com
Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).
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