Monday, September 27, 2010

Teenage Depression – An Effective Treatment for All Cases

Adolescence is a very difficult period of time for everyone. We stop being innocent and indifferent children without any obligation. We have to bear the transformation of our body and build our own personality. We pass through complicated psychological issues, as we start becoming adults. While we are constantly facing new challenges, this very process of transformation, can provoke depression, insecurity, or social phobias.

What in fact provokes all behavior abnormalities and mental disorders is the influence that the wild side of your conscience has upon your human conscience. As we stop being children, we enter into contact with the entire content of our psyche, and this is why we start having psychological problems. The life transformations we have to pass through wouldn’t be problematic if we had not inherited an absurd content in the wild side of our conscience. This absurd content influences our thoughts and feelings, provoking fears, anger, and aggressive behavior.

Dream therapy is in fact necessary for all teens, even when they don’t feel depressed or irritated. The anti-conscience is a wild and violent animal, and its reactions must be tamed by our human conscience. The anti-conscience is our primitive self, which didn’t evolve, and keeps trying to control our behavior.

The anti-conscience doesn’t want to be transformed by our human sensibility and respect social rules. This is why it keeps provoking aggressive behavior in most teens, or it provokes insecurity and mental disorders, which can be turned into mental illnesses.

The teens don’t know that the insatisfaction, the fears, and the anger they feel comes from the influence of the anti-conscience. They believe it is a conscious reaction. Therefore, they conclude that they cannot adapt to their social environment because they are not attractive or talented enough, or any other reason a teenager can rationalize.

Only dream translation according to the scientific method of dream interpretation can provide immediate relief, and enlighten them with superior knowledge. The unconscious mind that produces dreams works like a natural doctor and teacher. Once they learn the dream language, they start having a communication with the unconscious mind, which answers all their questions in dreams. All their false impressions and doubts disappear under the light of the unconscious wisdom.

If you are a depressed teen, don’t let the fears and the aggressive behavior provoked by the anti-conscience steal your peace of mind. Eliminate your depression by eliminating the dangerous influence of your wild conscience. This is very simple when you follow the guidance you receive in the dream messages.

You only have to study the dream language for a while in order to start understanding the meaning of all your dreams. The unconscious psychotherapy will save you from frustrations and suffering; showing you also how you can completely develop your intelligence.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.

Learn more at:

Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).


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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Online Therapy for Depression, Relationships Problems, Social Phobia, or Personality Disorders

When you submit your dreams for a professional dream translation you receive free psychotherapy after the instant translation of their meaning. You are charged only a small fee for the professional translation of the dream images depending on your dreams’ word count. In addition, your entire biography is analyzed without any charge, and you have the opportunity to ask as many questions are you need for further clarification. You always receive very clear guidance.

Many depressed or insecure people are finding solutions to their problems when they understand the unconscious guidance, contained in the dream images. Yesterday, for example, a woman found support after sending me only 4 short dreams. She doesn’t need to send me more dreams for translation; her entire problem was comprehensively analyzed, and she found all the solutions she needs. Of course, the more dreams we translate, the more we learn. However, as little as four short dreams was sufficient for a full psychotherapy.

This woman is very excited about discovering how much we can learn through dream analysis. Now she is studying dream interpretation according to the scientific method in order to translate her own dreams without having to rely on the help of a professional dream translator. This is another service I provide. Many other translators will not reveal their method for fear of losing return business. I teach you everything I know; you can easily become a professional dream translator like me.

Other people send me many dreams for translation without ever thinking about studying the dream language. They are not paying for an online treatment, in fact, they are only paying a small fee for a profession translation from one language to another. They feel very comfortable proceeding this way.

I understand this position, even though I believe that everyone should learn the dream language. There are people who have grave problems and do not have the concentration needed to devote to professional lessons. Other people have no facility with languages, or they don’t like studying. Not everyone in this world has the same talents.

Therefore, I will tell you directly everything that I see reflected in the dream images. This means that you may discover for example, that your girlfriend or boyfriend is cheating on you. However, the unconscious mind will help you find your real soul mate, and have a perfect love relationship with the right person.

Or, I may tell you that you are immature, and you must evolve. All your mistakes are reflected in the dream messages so that you may stop making them, and learn how to be wise. Only after seeing what is bad, negative, and wrong, will you understand what is good, positive and true.

If you are depressed, if you have relationship problems, if you suffer from social phobia, or if you have a borderline personality, the unconscious guidance will be a true salvation for you. You’ll be always enlightened and relieved.

The unconscious mind helps you discover the roots of your psychological problems. It will show you how to eliminate what is bad. It gives you objective information about the person you love. It will show you things that you would never learn otherwise. The unconscious mind has a divine origin and can see everything.

You’ll have dreams predicting future problems in many occasions, so that you may correct your mistakes, and this way avoid what would be very unpleasant for you. This advantage will be immensely helpful each time you have to make important decisions in life.

The vision you’ll have thanks to dream translation will always give you self-confidence and safety. All your fears will be completely eliminated, and your intelligence will increase.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.

Learn more at:

Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).


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Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Scientific Discovery that Simplified the Process of Dream Translation and Therapy

I’m going to explain to you why my scientific discovery simplified the process of dream translation and therapy so that you may understand the importance of learning the dream language, and understanding the meaning of your dreams.

Carl Jung was the only one who managed to discover the hidden code for a perfect dream translation. He dared to investigate the content of the human psyche through dream interpretation, but he stopped his research at a certain point, accepting ignorance from that point and on.

He was afraid of finding craziness, and he believed that we could not learn more about the unknown content of our psyche while we are alive. His decision was pointed out by the wise unconscious mind, because he had already learned enough, and he wouldn’t bear to learn more.

Various dreams showed me that I should continue his research, and as an obedient student I respected the unconscious guidance. At a certain point I saw the entire content of the human psyche, discovering that we human beings inherit a huge wild conscience that has not evolved like the human side of our conscience. This wild conscience provokes mental illnesses within our human conscience, trying to completely destroy it, and control our behavior. I named it anti-conscience because it works against our human conscience.

The demonic nature of our primitive conscience is the result of its accidental formation based on the fact that it appeared in the universe without any organization. The first live conscience could not find solutions to the problems of existence, and this is why it became extremely violent. It didn’t evolve with time like the human side of our conscience. It is still an animal, with the difference that it is not an irrational animal, but an animal that can think.

On the other hand, we observe in the human psyche the miraculous existence of the unconscious mind that produces our dreams. It possesses a wisdom and sanctity that completely differ from the human nature.

The continuation of Carl Jung’s research had to create a bridge between science and religion. The unconscious mind that produces our dreams working like a natural doctor proves the existence of a superior mind that doesn’t belong to the ignorant human being.

The idiot and ignorant human conscience has to acquire complete consciousness, eliminating the primitive conscience it originated from. This process is done through dream therapy, as we follow the wise unconscious guidance, which has a divine origin.

Now that I continued Jung’s research, the process of dream translation and therapy became very clear because now we know that all dream messages protect us from the attacks of our wild and evil conscience. It will destroy our human conscience and ruin our lives if we’ll let it control our behavior.

Now that you know this basic truth, you can easily translate all dream images into words, immediately understanding the dream language and the wise unconscious messages. You won’t waste your time with suppositions, or trial and errors. You’ll see very clearly the true meaning of your dreams, and what you have to do in order to solve your problems.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.

Learn more at:

Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).


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This book is about Carl Jung’s life and research. You’ll learn how this extraordinary scientist could discover the hidden meaning of dreams, even though he doesn’t give you dream interpretation lessons. This book is about Jung’s life and his thoughts.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Behavioral Health – Personality Development through Dream Therapy

The psychiatrist Carl Jung managed to prove to the world that our dreams are produced by a wise unconscious mind that works like a psychiatrist and psychologist. He discovered the meaning of the mysterious dream language after conducting arduous research. Jung also discovered how to use dream therapy in order to help people completely develop their personality.

Our dreams reflect the way we conduct our lives, (our behavior and subsequent health concerns). They can also denounce the existence of a mental illness, which threatens our mental stability and distorts our behavior.

I continued Jung’s research discovering that the unconscious mind which produces our dreams always tries to protect the human side of our conscience because we have inherited an absurd content in our brain. Jung ignored the existence of the anti-conscience, the violent and wild side of our conscience, which remains in a primitive condition. This is why he couldn’t completely understand the unconscious psychotherapy.

The anti-conscience provokes all existent mental illnesses and mental disorders found within the human side of our conscience. It is therefore responsible for the appearance of abnormalities in our behavior, since the anti-conscience’s absurdity influences not only our thoughts; it influences our reactions as well.

My discoveries complete Jung’s pioneer research, giving you all the answers you need. I simplified his complicated method of dream interpretation, transforming it into a simple method of instant translation from images into words. You will understand all dream messages because now you can see the entire content of your brain and psyche.

By following dream therapy you completely develop your personality and all your capacities, while eliminating the negative components you have inherited. Your wild roots are absurd, violent, selfish, and immoral. You must tame your wild side and transform it into positive human content that will help you achieve all your goals. This means that you have to transform the selfish and violent behavior that is part of your animal nature into positive and balanced human behavior.

You may believe that you are balanced because you are used to following the aggressive behavioral patterns associated with violence. These patterns have formed the mindset of our civilization. What you consider as being a balanced and normal behavior could be an indifferent and cruel maladaptive reaction to any given situation. This maladaptive behavior should in fact alarm you.

Your conscious experience is limited and you have no idea about what perfect mental health really is. Therefore, you are incapable of discerning the clear indications of personality disorders and mental illnesses in someone’s behavior. However, you can have a very clear vision about your mental state thanks to the lessons and explanations that the unconscious mind will reveal to you through your dreams.

You only have to study my simplification of the dream language in order to be in contact with a wise unconscious mind that answers all your questions in dreams. You’ll build a fascinating unique personality. You will also pass through a process of spiritual evolution. In addition, you will learn the importance of wisdom, and the true meaning of life.

If you have no time for studies but you see vivid dreams, recurring dreams, or nightmares, send me your dreams for a professional dream translation so that I may immediately help you with my knowledge.

Later, you’ll certainly want to study the dream language independently using my dynamic method. You will no longer need to depend upon me in order to understand the meaning of your dreams. You’ll have the free guidance of the wise unconscious mind always helping you throughout your life.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.

Learn more at:

Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).


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