We believe that God is stronger than Satan because this is what all religions teach us. God is really more powerful than Satan because goodness is salvation from despair. However, evilness is stronger than sanctity because it is easier to destroy something than to build something with hard word and effort.
http://www.onlywire.com/r/120486141Monday, March 18, 2013
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Carl Jung’s Method of Dream Interpretation and New Discoveries
The unconscious mind helps you avoid bad relationships or negotiations that will bring you problems and suffering. It shows you all the dangers you cannot see alone. It cures all diseases or mental illnesses. It helps you prevent accidents and misfortunes. It shows you how to live peacefully and happily forever. Therefore, your dreams are the most powerful tool you have at your disposal when you learn the dream language.
http://www.onlywire.com/r/120399238Saturday, March 16, 2013
The Power of Dreams and Your Brain Power
Those who are around you give you practical behavioral lessons. By observing their example, you can understand your own behavior, whenever you imitate their example. The unconscious mind uses their example in your dreams to give you explanations about your psychological system. They are near you because their example is important for you. Your dreams help you verify that in many situations you really are like your friends and relatives. You understand how to stop making the mistakes you observe in their behavior.
http://www.onlywire.com/r/120369639Friday, March 15, 2013
Dream Images and The Hidden Unconscious Messages
The symbolic language created by the unconscious mind is a different way of approaching our ignorant but proud human conscience. It is an attempt to conquer its admiration, so that we may accept the wise unconscious criticism without feeling offended. Once we learn the dream language we are able to understand the symbolism contained in our daily reality the same way we understand the meaning of dreams.
http://www.onlywire.com/r/120292078Thursday, March 14, 2013
Dead People in Dreams and The Meaning of Death
The unconscious mind that sends us dreams gives us specific information about the death of the people we care about. This is possible because nothing happens by chance on our planet. Our reality is prepared to happen before actually happening. There are several programs regulating the functioning of life and its development, until the end. There is a purpose behind our existence.
http://www.onlywire.com/r/120258924Wednesday, March 13, 2013
The Real Dimension of Dreams and A New Historical Time
I understood that the human conscience is absurd because all psychological types tend to become neurotic with time. Every person loses consciousness with the various deceptions of life and the invasion of the absurd thoughts of the anti-conscience into their human conscience. I also understood that it was safer to obey the divine guidance than to follow my own conscience, and keep making mistakes.
http://www.onlywire.com/r/120140549Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Warning Signs of Danger
Many times, dream warnings will show you that you are repeating a behavior you used to have when you were immature. You must evolve. Other times, they will show you that many of your friends are in fact your enemies. You won't like this information, but it will help you prevent many unpleasant situations. You won't be betrayed while ignoring who your enemies are. You will also have the chance to avoid their traps and do the opposite of what they expect from you.
http://www.onlywire.com/r/120130951Monday, March 11, 2013
Synchronicity and The Meaning of Strange Coincidences
Whenever you'll observe the existence of a strange coincidence, you should understand that this is a very important sign of the divine unconscious mind. This coincidence is trying to open your eyes. Synchronicity is in fact an important warning. This warning shows you that you have to understand something important about your reality, without ignoring dangers that you are not taking into consideration.
http://www.onlywire.com/r/120000402Friday, March 8, 2013
The Meaning of Life and The Meaning of Death Revealed in Dreams
You cannot prove a salvation 100 % because you cannot prove to the world that without your protection something tragic would surely have happened. When you predict a catastrophe and the catastrophe happens, you prove to the world that you really had predicted what happened. However, when you know how to change your destiny or another person’s destiny thanks to a dream prediction, you cannot prove that the catastrophe you could prevent would really happen if you wouldn’t prevent it.
http://www.onlywire.com/r/119883197How to Stop Having Recurring Dreams
Recurring dreams indicate danger because they are trying to remind you of a certain obligation, which you are postponing. This obligation is always related to your behavior, because you live in order to be transformed into a sensitive human being. You are not doing something very important that you must do; something concerning the way you behave in life, which is indispensable for your own safety, besides being indispensable for your human evolution.
http://www.onlywire.com/r/119880147Thursday, March 7, 2013
Multiple Personality Disorder (Dissociative Identity Disorder)
We are basically primates with a tiny human conscience, while the biggest part of our brain belongs to wild conscience, the anti-conscience, which is not a fossil but is very active inside us. When it manages to invade the conscious realm it eliminates our capacity to think and behave normally.
http://www.onlywire.com/r/119818213Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Online Therapy – Finding a Dream Translator
Now that you are desperate and you still ignore the meaning of the dream language I will help you by showing you what the unconscious mind is explaining in your dreams, so that you may find the solutions you need without delay. You will find immediate support thanks to my instant translations. Later you will study the meaning of dreams with enthusiasm. After my professional translations you will have proof that the meaning of your dreams is very important and really works like free psychotherapy.
http://www.onlywire.com/r/119736550Tuesday, March 5, 2013
How to Understand God’s Wisdom
This was very tiring and boring, but I had to find out the meaning of the unconscious words. This was the only way I could clearly understand the unconscious messages. The unconscious mind was trying to tell me something, and it was important to have this communication. I understood its importance, besides all the difficulties I had to deal with. My dreams completed the messages I had thanks to the codes.
http://www.onlywire.com/r/119666976Monday, March 4, 2013
Dreams About Snakes – Scientific Translation
The snake in a dream will help you avoid great suffering in the future, even though you'll have to pass through a bitter experience. Your suffering with this experience today won't be as painful as your suffering in the future.
http://www.onlywire.com/r/119607748How to Read People's Minds – A Scientifically Proven Method
You don't need to translate other people's dreams in order to read their minds. You have information about them in your own dreams. Of course, you will have more information about them whenever they relate their dreams. However, this is not indispensable.
http://www.onlywire.com/r/119539705Friday, March 1, 2013
Inspiring Confidence and Being Trusted
You will inspire confidence because of your sincerity. There are many details that reveal who you really are to the world. You will gladly show to the world who you really are because you’ll be a wise person. Everyone will be happy with your existence. Everyone will be able to easily understand that you are honest only by observing your behavior in all situations. Your honesty will be transparent.
http://www.onlywire.com/r/119443324Thursday, February 28, 2013
What Are Dreams? A Scientific Explanation
If dreams had no meaning we wouldn't observe the same characteristics in various types of dreams. The existence of an organization in the presentation of the dream images according to specific rules proves that dreams have a specific meaning, which doesn't depend on the opinion of the dream interpreter or on the opinion of the dreamer.
http://www.onlywire.com/r/119372611Wednesday, February 27, 2013
How to Always Be In A Good Mood
There are many things that can help you have a good mood for a while. Music can help you have a better disposition. Exercises can help you feel relieved and give you some self-confidence. However, if you want to always be in a good mood without losing your temper with the difficulties of life, you need psychotherapy.
http://www.onlywire.com/r/119278630Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Understanding Phobias, Unexplained Symptoms, Incurable Diseases and Other Mysteries
There is a positive and a negative destiny previously traced for everyone, depending on the psychological functions that are developed in their conscience. The positive destiny is the destiny of the individual who will transform his personality and develop all his psychological functions. The negative destiny is the destiny of the individual who will be indifferent to his absurdity and will become mentally ill.
http://www.onlywire.com/r/119232662Monday, February 25, 2013
Dream Predictions and Your Safety
The alternative to predict the future gives you the chance to correct what is wrong and prevent catastrophes. Many people believe that we cannot change our destiny, even if we can predict that something bad will happen to us or to someone we know. This is not true because just as we can predict the future, we can change it as well.
http://www.onlywire.com/r/119136537Saturday, February 23, 2013
Stop Racism - I Love Black People
Black people are very talented, and their suffering for so many years is totally unfair. The racist attitude is barbarous and ridiculous. We must put a definitive end to racism on Earth.
http://www.onlywire.com/r/119038741Friday, February 22, 2013
Are You Mentally Healthy? Illusions and Hidden Truths
If you are unable to use all your psychological functions you are unable to analyze all the components of your reality. You have a limited vision, which cannot help you understand the entire truth as it is. A partial vision of your reality is very dangerous because it doesn’t show you everything you should know. If you believe that your partial vision is the absolute truth and you don’t analyze all the aspects of your reality, you will surely make many mistakes.