Friday, February 26, 2010

Dreams’ Meaning – The Importance of the Dream Logic for an Accurate Translation

When you see a dream you see a symbolic representation of very important secret messages that come from the unconscious mind, and are sent to the human part of your conscience in order to protect it from the wild side of your conscience, which remains in a primitive condition.

This symbolic representation, like a theater, must be translated to your own language. Thanks to my simplification of Carl Jung’s complicated method of dream interpretation, today you can immediately discover the meaning of all dreams by instantly translating images into words, as soon as you learn the meaning of the most important dream symbols, and the dream logic.

The words of your natural doctor are not empty and false, like the words used by hypocritical human beings, because the unconscious mind has a saintly character.

You have to have this truth always in mind, because when you think about an image or scene, understanding that it is used to give you a symbolic message, you can suppose or assume too many things.

By following the logic of your human conscience, which ignores the meaning of the symbolic dream language and the unconscious’ logic, you are going to make unrealistic conclusions.

All false dream interpreters make this mistake when they supposedly analyze your dreams, giving you their ignorant opinion, instead of translating the real meaning of the wise dream messages.

This is why they tell you for example that if you saw in a dream that your partner was cheating on you, this is because you are afraid of a commitment, or afraid of your relationship. They imagine that the dream images follow the human logic, while they are actually produced by the unconscious mind, which is wise, and knows what will happen in the future, besides knowing very well who you are, and what are all the dangers that threaten your mental health.

The unconscious logic is superior, and the information it gives you has many dimensions.

When the unconscious mind shows you in a dream that you are being cheated on, it is trying to protect your mental health from a tragic surprise, and preparing you to face the bitter truth with courage.

While it always sends you messages in a symbolic form so that the anti-conscience won’t be able to understand them, when you see dreams about your relationship, you must translate the images you see without metaphors, and believe that they are showing you the truth as it is.

The anti-conscience cannot understand that these dreams must be translated this way, and this is why the unconscious mind can give you crucial information about the person you love directly, among symbolic messages, confusing it.

Your ignorant human conscience has to indispensably study dream interpretation according to the scientific method before daring to interpret dreams. Only when you respect the dream logic, and when you learn the symbolic meaning of the dream language, can you accurately translate the meaning of all dreams, and exactly understand the unconscious’ guidance.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.

Learn more at:

Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).



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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How to Apply Dream Interpretation to Your Daily Life

As more people discover the miraculous power of dream translation according to the scientific method, each one discovers many new applications for the knowledge acquired in the dream messages.

My dynamic method of instant dream translation replaces the old method of dream interpretation discovered by Carl Jung in the last century, showing you immediately and very clearly the meaning of all your dreams, besides showing you how to use this precious knowledge in order to solve all the problems of your life.

Students are using dream interpretation in order to remember their lessons; relatives of mentally ill people are discovering how to become doctors themselves for the person they love, and helping them find the mental health they lost; scientists are using the unconscious’ guidance in order to make many new discoveries; couples are finding what is missing in their relationships, and many other people are using this knowledge in many other ways...

I have no doubt that the entire world will learn how to translate dreams according to the scientific method of dream interpretation, because the value of the dream messages cannot be calculated. It is too precious!

The most common ways that dream interpretation helps everyone in their daily lives is through:

- Predictions and warnings

- Advice and counselling

- Suggestions and new ideas

- Lessons and explanations

- Spiritual evolution and mind development

You may find many other ways to apply this precious knowledge to your daily life of course, because it is infinite and true.

If you are an artist, dream interpretation will give you inspiration; if you are a marketer, it will show you how to organize your business; if you have a physical pain it will give you relief and health; if you are in a strange situation it will give you information and light.

If you have never cared about your dreams before and you think that you don’t have enough time to write down all your dreams, start writing at least the most impressive ones.

You don’t need too much. A very simple short dream can show you something you couldn’t find alone, and help you save time, money, and much effort looking for a solution.

A unique dream symbol can help you understand what you have to pay attention to in your life, so that you may solve your basic problems.

Start writing down the dreams you remember when you have the time. This will be the beginning of a new life for you!

Dream interpretation according to the scientific method will transform the empty moments of your daily life into very important moments of meditation, evolution, and enlightening discoveries.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.

Learn more at:

Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).



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Friday, February 19, 2010

Behavioral Psychology and Dream Interpretation – Coaxing and Influencing Other People

You’ll manage to coax someone to trust you if you follow a few basic behavioral rules.

In order to do so, you have to study behavioral psychology, or behaviorism.

You can learn even more, if you learn what exists inside the human psyche thanks to the vision given to you due to the results of long researches conducted inside the human brain through scientific dream interpretation.

This way you’ll understand why the human being has certain reactions, and therefore, how to provoke, or avoid them.

If you are imagining that you’ll be able to manipulate other people and oblige them to do what you want, you have to understand that this is not what you should desire first of all, and secondly, you have to understand that you are too ignorant to know what will be good for you and for other people, which means that you cannot decide what you should coax them to do based on your opinion.

It doesn’t matter if you are only trying to sell your products. You have to understand behavioral psychology if you want to coax someone in a way that will be positive for them. This is important if you want to have repeat customers, who will always trust you.

You should learn how to translate the meaning of your own dreams, and have the guidance of the wise unconscious mind showing you what to do, with my dynamic method of dream translation.

Even by being able to translate the meaning of a few dream symbols, you’ll already be helped by this knowledge, the same way that you are already helped with the knowledge you have of a foreign language when you visit a country where it is spoken, and you are able to communicate with other people, even though you cannot speak it fluently.

Exactly the same happens with the dream language. In the beginning you’ll only understand the meaning of a few dream symbols, and the general intention of the unconscious mind that produces your dreams. Later, you’ll understand it completely and you’ll be able to immediately translate all dream images into words that you can understand.

However, the translation of only a few dream symbols will already show you many things about how to coax and influence other people, in a way that will be beneficial for them and for you too.

You’ll realize that you have to:

- Create trust and confidence by being sincere and helpful

- Eliminate all fears by repeatedly showing understanding and sense of responsibility

- Focus on benefits and positive results for the other person

Begin creating the right atmosphere for easily coaxing everyone to trust you by following these basic rules.

You have a lot more to learn though, because our personality is shaped by the psychological type we belong to.

The unconscious mind will show you how to persuade someone to accept your ideas and plans, by explaining to you to which psychological type they belong.

This means that you’ll be able to predict their reactions, and show the behavior they admire.

After learning behavioral psychology according to the unconscious’ guidance, you’ll learn how to influence other people positively, helping them feel comfortable with you, easily agree with your conclusions, and prompting follow your advice.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.

Learn more at:

Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).



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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Dream Interpretation – The Difference Between Theories and Real Translation of the Dreams’ Meaning

Many different civilizations, which belonged to different historical times, have proclaimed that our dreams have a very important meaning, besides metaphysical dimensions.

However, nothing was clear, and there was no theory that could be considered to be the absolute truth about the meaning of dreams.

As a matter of fact, if we want to understand what means dream interpretation really according to the scientific method, which is the only correct one, we have to first of all forget all the known theories about the meaning of dreams, because they are all false. There is no base for their arguments. They don’t prove anything, and they don’t explain anything.

They are merely personal opinions of the dream interpreters, who may be based on scientific knowledge, however are not based on serious research.

A scientific research is based on the comparison of facts and reactions, on the reproduction of a certain effect due to the comprehension of its mechanism, and on many other objective proofs of the value of the discoveries made thanks to this study.

The scientific method of dream interpretation discovered by the psychiatrist Carl Jung and simplified by me, who continued his research discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, is the only method that deeply analyzes the dream language, which is made with images instead of words.

The real translation of the meaning of dreams is given through the translation of the symbolism contained in the dream messages, according to the logic and to the particular definitions given to the dream symbols by the unconscious mind that produces our dreams, and is therefore, the dream author.

He, the author, must give us the meaning of his own language, so that we may understand his words. We cannot discover what the dream author is trying to tell us if we try to guess based on our personal opinion, the same way that we cannot translate a document written in a foreign language based on suppositions.

The difference between dream theories and real dream translation is so huge that this comparison denounces a very big irony!

Only Carl Jung studied the unconscious language deeply enough, through very long scientific research, finding real solutions, giving true explanations to the world, and curing many people with this knowledge.

Continuing his research, I could not only prove that he was right and relate his discoveries to recent discoveries made in many different scientific fields, like biology and astronomy, but I was also able to prove to the world that the unconscious mind that produces our dreams is even wiser than what Jung believed with the knowledge he had.

I was able to transform his complicated method of dream interpretation, which depended on the analysis of too many dreams for a long period of time and on many comparisons, into an instant and exact translation from images into words.

But the most important of all is that today you can immediately understand how to find your mental health, transform your personality and attain wisdom translating the meaning of your dreams, because I managed to explain to you how to put into practice the guidance you receive in the dream images in order to have immediate positive results.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.

Learn more at:

Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).



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Friday, February 12, 2010

Dreams’ Meaning - Why Dream Interpretation is a Powerful Tool in Your Life

The meaning of dreams has been pursued by many people in the story of mankind, from ancient times. Only at the end of the last century though, did the psychiatrist Carl Jung discover the real meaning of the enigmatic dream language, proving to the world that our dreams work like psychotherapy. However, his work was too complicated; only a few people could understand it and precisely follow it, while many people who didn’t have the patience to study it enough, have distorted his words.

Besides that, he had many enemies that didn’t want to admit that he was right, since this would mean that their theories were wrong...

This is why until today the real value of his discoveries was not recognized by humanity.

Continuing his research, I was able to prove that he was right and discover much more, being able to give you clearer definitions about the meaning of dreams, and help you immediately translate all dream messages, without delaying as much as you do when you follow Jung’s method.

This means that now dream interpretation has become a very powerful tool!

Your dreams won’t be mysterious images and scenes that make no sense to you, but specific messages that have a very important meaning, because they give you real and objective information about the world where you are, about other people and about the content of your psyche.

For example, you may see a spider in a dream. This dream symbol indicates danger: there is something very important that you are not doing but that cannot be postponed, otherwise you’ll be in trouble.

Let’s suppose that you also see a fly in a dream. This means that something is bothering you, and you cannot see or understand what is obvious (and you would have understood it if there was not a certain distraction preventing you from thinking normally).

As you can see, even just the image of an insect in a dream is already giving you a warning, and informing you about the situation you are really in. Your dreams show you what you are not perceiving, so that you may correct your mistakes.

Carl Jung wrote pages and pages, explaining to his readers how he was able to discover the meaning of each dream symbol. I don’t waste time explaining why the spider means danger and why the fly means a distraction, because I care more about showing you how to use this knowledge to overcome your problems, instead of proving to you that this meaning is given by the unconscious mind and it is not my invention.

However, keep in mind that there is a very long explanation about how each dream symbol’s meaning was found through research.

The important thing is that the real dream language can be clearly understood now, which you verify in practice by discovering miraculous solutions to your problems.

The interpretation of your own dreams will be for you the most precious tool at your disposal!

What could be more powerful than future predictions, and guidance from a genius?

Dream interpretation will be a true advantage in your life, showing you everything that other people cannot see, and guaranteeing your success in all fields beforehand.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.

Learn more at:

Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).



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Monday, February 8, 2010

How to Overcome Envy and Discover the Meaning of Life

You may believe that the happy people you see are really happy, but you ignore their internal problems, and you are not near them all the time.

You may envy reach people that give orders to others and can possess everything they desire, but you are not considering the fact that they are very cruel and indifferent to the pain of poor people, and that in order to defend their interests they act like monsters.

Would you prefer to be a cruel king than a simple human being who has a human heart?

You may envy people that have a balanced life, while yours is so difficult and so full of problems, however you don’t know how long their lives will be so fine, and how really fine it is from inside, because you can see only what appears to be, and besides all that, you ignore the meaning of your difficulties.

Do you think that you live only in order to pursue pleasures, and nothing else?

If life on Earth was meant to be a collection of pleasant experiences our planet wouldn’t be so full of difficulties, obstacles, and dangers.

Recent discoveries in various scientific fields have already proved to the world that everything on our planet and within our organism is very well organized because it was programmed to follow a certain order of development.

This preparation indicates many things, among which that we need a superior brain that would prepare all the programmes and calculate their perfect functionalism, and that there is a destiny for everyone, depending on their evolutional program.

The scientific method of dream interpretation gives you all the answers you need, because the unconscious mind that produces your dreams is the superior mind that created all behavioral programs in all animal lives and organized the perfect functionalism of nature on our planet, with the intention to transform the wild side of our conscience into human, like the tiny part of our brain that has human characteristics and we can see, while we ignore the existence of the huge primitive content inherited in the biggest part of our brain.

The basic intention of all dream messages is to protect your human conscience from the invasion of the wild anti-conscience, and to transform this absurd content into a positive component of your human side.

Therefore, what should give meaning to your life is not what you may believe. You don’t live in order to eat, work, sleep, have some fun, and then die.

If you envy the people that seem to be happy and you want to be like them, be aware that they are probably wasting their precious time and instead of evolving like they should, they are preparing a tragic future for their souls, because they are indifferently making many moral mistakes, being selfish, and completely ignoring what gives humanity to the human being, and should be the purpose of their lives.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.

Learn more at:

Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).



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Friday, February 5, 2010

How to Have a Wonderful Relationship With Your Soulmate and Lead a Happy Life

Fist of all you have to find the right person for you. This is not a simple matter, since when you are in love you tend to believe that the person you desire is your soulmate, while this can be only a false impression.

You have to be able to identify your soulmate by verifying if the characteristics of their personality fit with yours, penetrating in their psyche.

But how can you learn everything about the person you love?

This is possible, and the information you’ll have is objective and true. You can learn all the secrets about your partner’s personality and life by learning how to interpret the dreams you’ll have about them.

The unconscious mind that produces your dreams will show you in dream messages everything about the so-important person for you, and help you verify if they are your real soulmate, and if they will really help you lead a happy life.

Your relationship will be wonderful because you’ll find your true soulmate, and thus, never face the most common problems that prevail in all relationships.

The unconscious mind knows what happens inside everyone’s psychical world and will show you everything in dream images, besides showing you many aspects of the special person’s daily life, and many things concerning the people that are around them.

Don’t worry that dream interpretation is something difficult and not concrete, because my dynamic method of dream translation, derived from the method of dream interpretation discovered by Carl Jung, is very clear and simple. Besides that, dreams about the person you love are very easy to understand. The unconscious mind knows how decisive they are for your life, and how dangerous the love you feel could be for your mental health, and this is why the dreams concerning your relationship are very simple.

Your dreams will be a useful guide that will help you understand how to behave in each situation, showing you many things about the human behavior that you ignore. The psychology lessons of the unconscious mind will transform your personality and enlighten you very much!

You’ll be compensated for caring about psychology and dream interpretation by leading a very happy life with your soulmate, and having a wonderful relationship with them that will remain alive forever.

A strong relationship, based on real love and true compatibility, that will be threatened neither by time, nor by all the attractive temptations of our social life.

A relationship that will give you happiness, excitement and satisfaction everyday, and all the time!

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.

Learn more at:

Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).



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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How to Be Confident Instead of Shy and Insecure

Everything depends on how you feel, and this is why you have to learn how to feel well all the time, independently of where you could be.

There are many things you can do in order to feel strong. You must take action, and put into practice everything that you can do to help yourself become confident, instead of being shy and insecure.

A good tactic is to underestimate everyone, thinking that everyone is too ignorant and silly on many points, so you don’t have to be afraid of their judgment.

You have the impression that other people are more important, and their opinion is essential. This is why you have no courage to face them...

However, they are not as important as you believe, and they don’t really care about analyzing your behavior. So, don’t feel that they are constantly criticizing you, they are superior, and things like that, but pay attention to their mistakes. They are human beings like you; you don’t need to be afraid of their judgment, as if they were the most important creatures in the universe.

As a matter of fact, you are shy and insecure exactly because you are too afraid of other people’s criticism, which means that you want to be considered always perfect.

You have to simply abandon your pride and say to yourself that you have the right to make mistakes and learn; you don’t need to be perfect.

Accept saying to yourself: “So, what?”

Where you ridiculous on a certain occasion?

So, what? This is not the end of the world.

You are learning. Tomorrow you’ll be wise.

Accept making mistakes, and accept being despised by other people without feeling sad about that, but think that they were not able to recognize who you are and admire you, because they are silly.
But of course, avoid staying near people that don’t like you if this is not necessary, and don’t try to conquer their sympathy, because you’ll feel frustrated and humiliated in the end.

If you see that certain people make fun of you, are too aggressive with you or ignore you completely, stay far from them.

Why lose your peace of mind and happiness because they act like animals?

Look for people that can admire your qualities. This is a very big world, full of different people.

Look for the people that have your style and like the same things you do, even if you have to go somewhere else, very far from the places you usually go, and very far from your group of friends.

Keep working on transforming your behavior without giving up. You’ll soon become a very confident person, and build a fascinating personality!

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.

Learn more at:

Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).



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Monday, February 1, 2010

How to Stop Feeling Depressed and Feel Happy All the Time

Depression is not really a mental illness, if you consider the fact that you live in a depressed world, full of dangers, tragedies, crimes, poverty, wars, and infinite problems.

Depression is first of all a natural consequence of living in such world, besides being also a natural consequence of having so many psychological problems, simply because everyone is selfish and indifferent to your pain in our cold society.

Now, if you think about your personal traumas, you’ll see that there are really too many things provoking your sad feelings in your life, which were accumulated in the past.

Besides that, you keep being disappointed by many people that don’t respect you, so everyday you have more reasons to feel depressed...

You may even have a personal reason that makes everything become much worse, so the fact that you are feeling depressed now is merely a consequence of too many sad circumstances.

However, your happiness can be based on your self-confidence, and on your personal progress in life, once you learn how to correct all your mistakes and solve all your problems, even though of course you will feel sad with what is wrong in our world, and try to correct everything according to your possibilities.

There are many good things in our lives, besides all the horrors of this world, and this is why happiness is possible on Earth, even though the truth is that we have to correct all the mistakes of our civilization if we want to live in complete happiness, and see happiness prevailing in our world.

There is a magical solution for everyone: the wisdom and the sanctity of the unconscious mind that produces our dreams, and works like a natural doctor and teacher for our conscience.

When you learn how to translate the images and scenes of your dreams into words and sentences that you can understand with my dynamic and simple method of fast dream translation, derived from the complicated method of dream interpretation discovered by Carl Jung, you’ll easily understand how to develop your intelligence, and how to wisely solve all your problems, thanks to the brilliant guidance of the unconscious mind that produces your dreams.

You’ll immediately stop feeling depressed and start feeling very enthusiastic with all the possibilities you’ll have thanks to the knowledge you’ll acquire by interpreting your dreams, and everyone else’s dreams as well! Dream interpretation is more interesting than any other kind of knowledge, because it shows you a great many things at the same time, besides helping you evolve.

If you are a good student, you’ll soon transform your personality, attaining perfection.

You’ll always feel satisfied with your superiority and with your achievements in life, and this is how you’ll manage to really feel happy all the time, even though you’ll never forget that the entire world lives depressed, and that you have to help humanity find happiness too.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.

Learn more at:

Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).



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