Friday, August 28, 2009

Love and Depression in Young Men

Men suffer much more than women when they are betrayed, especially if they are very young.

The negative effect that a deception in love can have on their life is too deep, because their masculinity is threatened, and this is why they feel too humiliated.

Dreams in which the figure of a woman appears in great danger are very common when they are abandoned or betrayed. This figure represents their anima, in other words: their perfect match.

If the anima is dying in their dreams, this means that their psyche refuses to again have the same bitter experience, and this is why it denies the acceptance of a new relationship.

Young men’s depression can last for a long time, and completely ruin the development of their lives. This is why they have to be very cautious, and care about having relationships with women that will respect them.

If you are one of them, you should learn how to translate your dreams according to the scientific method, and receive the free psychotherapy of the unconscious mind. This way, you’ll be able to overcome your weakness and lack of motivation.

Dreams are lessons given by the wise unconscious mind, with many explanations about what is happening inside you, and about what you have to do in order to stand up again and dare to look for the woman who will really make you happy.

Only because you’ll learn what exactly exists in your psyche and why you have certain reactions, you’ll already be relieved. Once you start taking notes of your dreams and understanding their hidden messages, a new horizon will suddenly appear in front of your eyes, and eliminate all the darkness around you.

Knowledge is by itself a great relief, because when you have explanations for the strange and cruel behavior you were a victim of, you stop feeling that what happened was your fault, or that you are inferior, ridiculous, etc.

You start seeing the causes of all problems, and understanding how you can overcome them, to begin then a new life, far from the illusions and false impressions that put you in the place of a victim.

If you haven’t had a tragic experience yet, but you are worried with this possibility, you should be very careful when you have any kind of relationship with a woman.

Don’t be futile, and avoid getting involved with girls that have strong tendencies towards immorality.

You may prefer having relationships with girls that easily accept making love with you, but be aware that they may easily betray you with anyone. Think about this tragic possibility when you have an affair, and look for a girl that will respect you, even if she won’t accept having sexual relationships with you in the beginning.

Sex should never be the only reason why you start having a relationship. Care about the personality of the girl you like.

If you are cautious and prudent, you’ll prevent depression, and find the right person for you.

Count on the guidance of the unconscious mind. You’ll be helped and informed about all the important aspects of your relationship, besides learning who the girl you love really is.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.

Learn more at:

Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

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Happy Relationships


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Do You Accept the Truth? Learn How to Be Wise

The truth is usually completely different from what we all desire… the truth is ugly, because it shows us everything that is bad.

This is exactly what you need to learn though, if you want to be wise. Only when you are able to see everything that is wrong, unfair, sneaky, and depressing, will you become wise.

Think about what all marketers do on TV, and on the internet. They present you everything as if it was wonderful… but you must know that you won’t attract any women if you wear a certain deodorant, like the guy on the TV commercial, and that making money online is as difficult as making money offline. The scenario changes, the needs are different, but the truth is exactly the same: making money on Earth is very difficult.

If you want to be wise, you have to be able to:

1. Look for the truth

2. Accept it when you discover it, no matter how against your will it may be

3. Forgive it, no matter how revolted you are

4. Correct all your mistakes so that the future truth in your life may be what you desire

Everything is difficult.

Look for the truth? Where? How?...

Accept it?! But what if you are betrayed, robbed, totally disrespected, and practically killed by someone? How can you accept this truth?

Forgive it?! This is even worse than accepting what you hate. You can only explode like a bomb…

And how about correcting all your mistakes?

This is more than impossible…

I know, but if things are like that for you, you must admit that you are too far from wisdom, because you are not able to deal with the truth.

Learn how to translate your dreams according to the scientific method of dream interpretation, so that you may be able to face reality and transform your personality at the same time, becoming very strong and self-confident.

Learn how to be wise, by learning how to look for the truth, behind the appearances and all the hypocrisy of the world. Take off all the masks, and hear all the silent observations in everyone’s mind while they are smiling and gently agreeing with you, because they are excellent actors who pretend to be your friends.

Learn how to accept recognizing that you are an idiot, who was abused by the people you dedicated your life to.

Learn how to look at the mirror and face your absurdity, ignorance and vanity.

Learn how to accept being betrayed without revolt, and how to win all your enemies without killing them, the same way they have killed you.

Wisdom is a very precious treasure, but in order to find it and keep it for life, you have to face the truth first of all, and then transform it, besides improving your personality.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.

Learn more at:

Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

Scientific Dream InterpretationBooks I Recommend

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Secret Behind The Law of Attraction

I’m glad because many people believe in the law of attraction, understanding that the power of their mind is really extraordinary.

Translating dreams according to the scientific method you’ll learn why you attach to your life the things that you keep thinking, because you’ll discover your wild side, besides recognizing how ignorant and idiot your human conscience is.

You’ll realize than when you are involved in negative thoughts this means that you are under the influence of the anti-conscience, your evil and cruel primitive conscience, which didn’t learn to respect or forgive anyone.

The anti-conscience is a cruel animal, but it has great energy and it can think rationally. It works independently of your human conscience and is more powerful than your tiny human conscience, which is under-developed exactly because the biggest part of your brain belongs to your wild side.

In other words, you are still too primitive, and you need to develop your intelligence in order to get rid of the negative influence of the anti-conscience.

So, the secret behind the law of attraction is that you have to learn how to stop following the negative and absurd thoughts of the anti-conscience.

You should trust the wise unconscious mind, your protector and doctor instead. The unconscious sends you informative dreams everyday, showing you what you have to do in order to transform your animal side into human.

When we talk about our animal side, we are talking about violence. Violence is very destructive, and it can only ruin one’s life.

Besides violence though, since your wild conscience can think, it generates all kinds of negative reactions inside you, influencing you not only with absurd, negative, repetitive, empty or fearful thoughts, as well as with feelings, sensations and intuition that are not part of your normal psychological functions.

So, behind the secret of attracting to your life what you desire, you need to have the faith in the power of goodness and wisdom, against the power of violence and immorality. If you behave like a human being and you believe in what is good, you will be connected to the saintly and wise unconscious mind, your natural doctor and protector.

You’ll know, even in the hardest moments, that you are following a plan, and that you will triumph even after failing many times, because you’ll continue. And why? Because you’ll believe in your salvation in the end. You won’t stop before the first obstacle, and not even before the tenth obstacle and so on, because the truth is that life is full of obstacles, and you have to always be a hero who finds solutions, and keeps going.

If you want to succeed, be ready to face deceptions and many impossibilities on your journey, but believing in your great victory, because you are following a wise plan. You are not walking without knowing where you are going.

You have a very clear purpose, and you have faith in the wisdom of goodness. This is how your mind will have the power to realistically attract to your life what is good, even when everything goes wrong, and you are still too far from your goal.

If you doubt that you can get there because this is too difficult, how are you going to continue? With which courage will you keep trying, while you are still near the bottom?

You have to believe that you’ll get to the top, because this way you’ll put energy in your actions. Tell yourself that you will get there no matter what, and keep going.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.

Learn more at:

Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

Scientific Dream InterpretationBooks I Recommend

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Human Brain and Psychological Functions

Your brain is huge, but you see only a tiny part of it, which belongs to the human side of your conscience.

This is something that you’ll understand much better when you learn how to translate your dreams according to the scientific method discovered by the psychiatrist Carl Jung. It was simplified by me who was only a writer, but who continued his dangerous research into the unknown region of the human psyche and brain, where craziness is hidden. I did this by following the guidance of the wise unconscious mind that produces our dreams, and works like a doctor and a teacher for our ignorant human conscience, besides protecting us from the anti-conscience, our wild conscience.

The biggest part of the human brain is totally absurd, because it is wild, and it didn’t pass through the process of organization that the human side of our conscience did.

Therefore, it is violent and cruel like all wild animals who kill their pray to survive. This is a sad reality, but it can be changed if we transform the wild part into human, like the tiny side of our brain that we know and we can see. This is possible through dream interpretation.

When you learn how to translate your dreams, you’ll be able to see what exists inside your brain. You’ll learn that you have four psychological functions, but that their functionalism depends on your psychological type.

Your four psychological functions are thoughts, feelings, sensations and intuition. However, only one of them is working completely in the human side of your conscience, while another one is half developed: the function that is not the opposite of your main psychological function, but is similar to it.

Thoughts and feelings don’t fit together because they are totally opposite, but thoughts and intuition do, so your thoughts could be completely developed and your intuition half developed if you belong to a psychological type based on rationalism. Your other two psychological functions however (feelings and sensations), are not working at all in your human conscience. They belong to the wild anti-conscience, which has a functionalism totally independent of the human side of your conscience.

What does it all mean?

It means that you have to develop all your psychological functions and transform the wild side of your brain into human, so that you may be able to use this part of your brain, which is not helping you in any way. On the contrary, it is only provoking you problems and trying to destroy your human side in order to control your behavior.

Your intelligence will be completely developed only when all your psychological functions will be working on your behalf, since they will have human characteristics.

Now, think about how intelligent you are, even though you are basically an idiot who uses less than your half-brain. If you could use the other side of your brain, which is not controlled by you right now, but works independently of your will and against your human side, don’t you think that you could become a genius?

This is true, because you are much more intelligent than you may imagine, but you are not using your intelligence, since it is still in the wild stage, and it needs development in order to be positive, instead of being destructive like now.

Everything depends only on your efforts. I have very much simplified the scientific method of dream interpretation so that everyone learns it without delay, and immediately starts seeing many benefits by having this knowledge.

The unconscious mind that produces dreams teaches you everything you need to learn, curing your psyche with its wisdom, and showing you how to use all your capacities, so that you may develop your intelligence to its fullest.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.

Learn more at:

Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

Scientific Dream InterpretationBooks I Recommend

Friday, August 14, 2009

Complete Protection

Some people believe that complete protection means the absence of suffering and the guarantee that everything for them will be fine, however this is not possible in the world where we live in, because here exists evilness, which means that every human being is exposed to infinite dangers.

You can have only basic protection in life; complete protection is an illusion, exactly because you live in a hell governed by terrorism, violence and immorality, where absurdity is camouflaged through hypocrisy and futility.

You could have complete protection only if you lived in a paradise where justice were real. Living on Earth, you must be always careful, and many times, unavoidably accept to suffer and to become a victim of somebody else’s evilness, otherwise you’ll become a murderer.

If your enemies are violent and sneaky, this means that they don’t have scruples: they never respect moral principles, human rights or anything else. If you defended yourself against their attacks, you would have to behave like them, which means that you would become a monster too.

Many times you have to accept seeing your house being burned without killing the burner, because you don’t want to dirty your hands with blood.

However, your position as a victim is always pure. You are not a murderer, and this means that you can have basic protection, while the murderer is lost.

When you respect your moral principles, you are protected by God, who really exists and keeps sending you protective messages in dreams. You must learn the dream language in order to understand the divine guidance.

God will protect you, but also show you that you are a terrible sinner. You’ll feel ashamed for being an indifferent and selfish creature, understanding that you have to change your behavior, and care about other people’s suffering the same way you care for your own. This is very difficult… because you are really very selfish!

Therefore, if you won’t be completely protected, this means that you don’t deserve complete protection, or that it is not possible, because the evilness against you is too huge. God cannot protect you from the entire world…

When you learn how to translate your dreams, you’ll discover that you are a horrible creature, because you have too many defects in your behavior, you are an idiot who doesn’t use the biggest part of your brain, and you are too insensitive. You won’t like this image of yourself, but only after seeing it, will you be able to become a real human being, having only good qualities in your personality, instead of being the terrible sinner you are now.

You won’t agree with this truth in the beginning, but after studying your behavior as you translate your own dreams, you’ll understand that you have to forgive yourself for being an idiot, because this is not your fault.

You’ll understand that you simply have to learn how to be wise in order to live happily, and believe that God will never abandon you completely. You have the basic protection you need, and you have to have faith in this protection in the difficult moments.

If you believe that you should be completely protected, don’t complain before examining the future. Many times a very bad event is the beginning of a brilliant new path to real satisfaction and happiness.

Besides that, an idiot sinner like you has to fall many times in order to see how insignificant, weak, miserable and impotent in fact you are.

This is they only way you may understand that you have a lot to learn, and adopt the humble attitude you must have before the wisdom and the perfection of God, who will have to bear your terrible personality in order to teach you how to become a wise human being instead of being a monster, like your enemies.

Never complain if you are not completely protected if at least you have basic protection, and never believe that you deserve to have complete protection, because you are only a selfish creature who cares more for your own wellbeing, than for the salvation of the entire human race from terrorism and violence.

Many times you’ll have to suffer in order to be a hero. This is your moral obligation, if you consider yourself a human being.

Besides that, you don’t deserve to live on a throne, completely protected from all dangers… you have to live, learn and change your behavior, until you become really wise. Only then will you live happily and free from all dangers.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.

Learn more at:

Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

Scientific Dream InterpretationBooks I Recommend

Thursday, August 13, 2009

A New Beginning

This is my new blog, and here I will post my articles about how to translate your dreams, how to find and keep your mental health for life, how to discover the right person for you, how to stop cutting, and how to find peace and happiness in life.

All the best!

Christina Sponias

I continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.

Learn more at:

Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

Scientific Dream InterpretationBooks I Recommend